Premier Transforming Episode Accountability Model

Ready for the Transforming
Episode Accountability Model?

Embrace the Power of TEAMwork

The Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) will take effect on Jan. 1, 2026. From diagnosis through recovery, TEAM encourages hospitals to take a holistic, value-driven approach to ensure seamless collaboration across providers and care settings. By focusing on comprehensive, patient-centered care, the new bundled payment model aims to improve quality, minimize readmissions and optimize the patient experience, all while offering financial incentives for achieving better outcomes.

To successfully prepare for TEAM, participating hospitals need to enhance episodic care through data-driven improvement, evaluate their existing care coordination processes and identify cost-saving opportunities. As the 2024 Best in KLAS Award winner for Value-Based Care Consulting, you can trust Premier to help guide your hospital's preparation journey. We understand TEAM. We understand what's required of you. Let's transform care together.

doctor explaining to a group
hospital workers speaking

Start with a Checklist

Key steps to successfully prepare for TEAM:

  1. Identify if your hospital was selected for participation or opt-in voluntarily if you're eligible.
  2. Determine where there is opportunity to reduce cost for each episode type.
  3. Consider your partnerships in the community.
  4. Understand your organization's readiness to participate in bundled payments.
  5. Invest in data analytics and other technologies to assist in care management, monitor patient outcomes and measure performance.
  6. Prepare your organization and stakeholders for the model start.

Let Premier Be Your Partner Through Change

  • As a first step, we are offering a TEAM episode opportunity analysis using Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) claims data to help hospitals gauge where they currently stand and what additional measures need to be taken to be ready by Jan. 1, 2026.
  • The cost for a TEAM episode opportunity analysis starts at $13,500* per hospital. Within weeks, our consultants will analyze key areas of your organization to assess your readiness for the CMS deadline.

* Additional pricing details available to current Premier members and/or multi-facility health systems.

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What's Included:

  • Education on TEAM and how CMS will administer the model.
  • Data analysis to measure performance and identify opportunities for success.
  • Recommendations stemming from the TEAM episode opportunity analysis that highlight strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.

We Deliver Results That Matter


Through performance year six of Premier's Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Collaborative hospitals achieved 86% higher savings per hospital than the nation.


Premier's Bundled Payment Collaborative hospitals have earned over $200 million in net payment reconciliation amounts (NPRA) over the last decade.


of the Bundled Payment Collaborative (BPC) membership strongly agreed that the BPC staff possess the content knowledge and expertise to meet their organization's needs for bundled payment programs.
(2023 Member Survey)


Premier's Value-Based Care Collaborative team has been recognized as Best in KLAS for three consecutive years and seven out of the last nine years.

Embrace the Power of TEAMwork

Check out the different ways we can further support your hospitals' preparations and success with TEAM.

Request a TEAM Organizational Readiness Assessment - New to value-based care? Our TEAM organizational readiness assessment, including the TEAM episode opportunity analysis, provides a comprehensive review of governance, care coordination and physician engagement to prepare your organization for success. This robust evaluation identifies high-impact opportunities to optimize care delivery and financial performance.

Join the Bundled Payment Collaborative (BPC) - By participating in BPC, you'll gain access to Premier's proven tools, data analytics and expert guidance to help you manage costs, improve care coordination and reduce unnecessary variations in care to drive better outcomes. You'll also be part of a collaborative network of leading healthcare organizations, sharing insights and best practices to thrive in today's evolving healthcare landscape.

Explore Premier's Advisory Services - Our tailored solutions help you optimize clinical and financial outcomes, enhance patient care and seamlessly transition to value-based care models like TEAM. With data-driven insights and award-winning, hands-on support, we empower your team to achieve sustainable success and drive meaningful improvements across the entire care continuum.

a doctor with glasses looks at an ipad

Let's Transform Care Together.

Premier's award-winning, Best in KLAS consulting team is ready to guide your transition with a clear, data-driven strategy. Start your analysis today and ensure your organization is fully prepared for the future of value-based care.